Sunday, 7 October 2012

Woodland Pattern Tutorial

A short tutorial on how I paint US Woodland Pattern and its derivatives. The figure in question is a Mutineer Miniatures African Militia Boy soldier. He's painted using my normal tecniques, on a black undercoat. For the tutorial I'll be painting Woodland Pattern on his 3/4 cut off combat pants. All colours are Vallejo Model Color. Dougie.

1. The base colour 922 USA Uniform is blocked in leaving black showing on clothing joins and seams.

2. Apply horozontal blotches of 875 Beige Brown, use references to capture the "look" of the pattern.

3. Apply horozontal blotches of 847 Dark Sand, again use your references to get the "look".

4. The last stage is to add the black "squiggles" that characterises the pattern and you're done!


  1. You have just saved me a whole lot of experimentation with colour matches for some "Woodland Pattern" helmet covers I have on the painting table! The vibrance of your paint-work here is superb and I am sure my attempts would have been much too drab. Thanks for another great tutorial. Aye, Rusty

    1. Glad you like it Rusty, I'm definately a believer in high contrast where miniature camo is concerned, its a fact that if you use accurate colours they blend in and look drab. I've been checking out a plate in issue 3 of Military Illustrated from 1986 on Argentine Army Commandos, some good camo, were's the figs!

  2. Excellent tutorial!

    Any suggestions on duplicating this on 28mm? Should I keep anything in mind?

    1. Greg, you can certainly use these colours, I'd look at perhaps highlighting the shades, do this after the 3 colours are on and before you apply the black. Highlight colourwise you could look at 837 Pale Sand, 833 German Cam Bright Green and 929 Light Brown. Be careful with the highlighting because you don't want to alter the colours just improve the look. Obviously in 28mm you need to be more aware of uniform seams and joins and make sure the pattern doesnt extend over these, keep me posted!

  3. very good tutorial. Thanks for the tips.

    1. Your welcome, glad you liked it. Dougie

  4. Doug, would you be able to fix this tutorial by reuploading the pictures?

    1. I've got a mate who's into IT coming over the next few days to try and sort it. Fingers crossed

    2. Fingers crossed indeed. I colour printed your DPM tutorial but forgot to do so with the Woodland....
