Wednesday 18 December 2013

Burntside Hill terrain part 6

Water areas completed using a good gloss varnish, I use Ronseal Ultra Tough Hardglaze Gloss. This is a polyurethane varnish which is what you want, the water based gloss varnishes just don't dry shiny enough!
Here's a shot of the section I've been using to show the tecniques.
One of the tiles and a close up
To get some idea of scale first with 10mm Pendraken stuff, hopefully I've achieved the barren Falklands look?

Here's a shot with 20mm figures, a UKSF patrol calls a halt!
Keep watching! Dougie

Sunday 1 December 2013

Burntside Hill terrain part 5

I've been out the loop for a couple of weeks but I'm sorted now, next stage on the piece is to give depth to the grass, additional clumps added as well as tufts, the whole piece was then spray soaked with Woodland Scenics Scenic cement (Thinned white glue). When its dry the surface is virtually indestructible and you loose No flock!!! I've also painted in the stream/river a dirty peaty brown/black, no blue rivers here, a bit of a bugbear of mine, if you look carefully you can see the grading. Dougie
A close up to show the subtle depth to the grass cover