Sunday 15 February 2015

Tuesday 10 February 2015

New Wargames Club in Whitley Bay

Folks some exciting news, a new Wargaming club is in the process of forming in Whitley Bay. It's called Whitley Bay 3D Gamers and will cover board games as well as traditional historic tabletop gaming. Check out the facebook page, the links below. Dougie
Whitley Bay 3D Gamers

Friday 6 February 2015

20mm African Rebel Platoon

These guys are a generic African Platoon and they'll be putting in service as ZANLA/ZIPRA/FRELIMO for the Rhodesian Bush War and also SWAPO for the South African Border War. I've went for a fairly standard organisation 3 squads of 8 fighters, a platoon HQ and a couple of support elements. I wanted a random, though uniform look, so there's a mixture of green and navy uniforms as well as an occasional piece of camo. The figures are all Liberation apart from a single Mutineer RPG gunner. Dougie

First is the 4 man Platoon Command

1st Squad

2nd Squad

3rd Squad

Support, AGS-17 and a ZPU1


There's more stuff to come including vehicles, I've been trying to get my hands on an S-Model BRDM2 without much luck, if anyone has a spare in their stash let me know!