Sunday 29 October 2017

28ish mm Vietnam

A gaming buddy asked if I was interested in going halves on a Vietnam collection going on LAF. They were the Chiltern miniatures figures which are large and not to everyone's taste, however included were 2 of the Snapdragon resin hootches long out of production so I agreed.
£50 got me 60 primed and based VC a pack of civilians and the 2 hootches.

The hootches
 A VC test figure

28mm Late Roman

Another unit completed, again these were bring and buy purchases tarted up and rebased.

Monday 16 October 2017

10mm Falklands Buildings

Regulars will know I've had a reasonable collection of 10mm Falklands stuff for a while, mainly from the Pendraken range, this update is covering the really nice 10mm buildings from Timecast

Top Malo House
 Estancia House
 Estancia House outbuilding
 San Carlos House
 Davis Street Bungalows

 Philomel Store (without the store sign so I can use it more generically)

A Cold War Commander game
In the pipeline are a GR3 and a Pucara for the forces involved and further scenery, some sheep pens, sheep and civilian vehicles.