Monday, 17 December 2012

28mm Empress Miniatures Modern Brit

One of the superb 28mm Empress Brits painted up for no other reason than they are sooo nice! Dougie
A rear view


  1. Really nice example of Multi-Cam Dougie. Modern cammo patterns don't make life easy for miniature painters but you've done another great job. Aye, Rusty

  2. So, did you follow your own tutorial that was used on 20mm, or did you change it up? I have a bunch of these that need painting, and I'd love to hear what you did to produce such a great result!

  3. Superb painting on this figure Dougie and I second Greg's request. Also don't stop with the one figure, lets see some more of these please, plus pictures from front and back would be good reference material for us.

  4. Thanks for the interest and comments guys, basically I followed the same procedure thats in my 20mm tutorial albeit you'll need to add additional levels of shading and utilise the excellent clothing seam lines on the Empress castings. Sometimes larger scale figures require more effort and are able to show your weaknesses, if that makes sense !?! I'll sort some more shots and perhaps get another pack or 2. The Brit sniper figure is very tempting.
    Later, Dougie

  5. Wow! That's an amazing job you did on that camo!
