Saturday, 4 October 2014

Peace for Galilee 1982

I've been collecting stuff for Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982 since the original Dave Alsop figures came out, about 1989 I think! It'll be in 20mm using my available 20mm Afghan terrain as a starter but with some specific scenery as well. I've got a fair stash of the "Peace for Galilee" range and its still available through Combat Miniatures although some of the castings are a bit ropey now they are still excellent figures, I've also managed to get one of the awesome Cromwell 1982 Centurions which is a super model but like the majority of the Cromwell stuff its a pain to get a hold of! The photo below is a front and back view of a test figure I've painted as an Israeli Para, complete with Glilon assault rifle/M203 combo, the item on his back is a folding stretcher. Dougie


  1. superb painting, you have a good eye for accuracy.
    It's very interesting to follow your blog.

    you don't post enough :-)

    1. Thanks mate, hopefully be posting more now I'm finished with that work mallarky!

  2. Excellent work. This on conflict I'm interested in gaming so will follow your posts with interest.

  3. Emailed you a reply. Dougie
