I've been collecting some scenery/ vignette bits for my 20mm Falklands setup. I managed to pick up some reduced Scaledale buildings from a local model railway shop, all corrugated ones of course.
These are resin and reasonably well painted, I'll be doing a little repainting and basing them as well. I also picked up some tractors from Wiking which are 1/87 but I think I'll get away with it, the intention here is to model the civilian tractors that local residents on the islands used to assist the troops. There are some cracking photos in "With 3PARA to the Falklands" by Graham Colbeck
and I'll be basing the vignettes on these, here's an example.
Vehicle wise I'm looking at civilian Landrovers, so Cararama and Oxford will be supplying. Below is an Oxford SWB Landrover that I've tarted up and based. Dougie